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Lead Magnet ▷ What It Is and 5 Examples of Lead Magnets That Work

5 min
Lead Magnet ▷ What It Is and 5 Examples of Lead Magnets That Work

Los Lead Magnets have been in use for years.

But they're still working.

And that's why they're used.

Therefore, in this short and simple article, I will tell you about them.

I'll tell you what a lead magnet is, very briefly, but above all I'll focus on something else.

I'll give you examples of lead magnets and types of lead magnets that are used and work.

5 examples, the 5 that I like the most.

Let's do it.

lead magnet

What is a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet, or lead magnet, in Spanish, is a GIFT that you offer to your audience in exchange for their emails.

It's a way to capture leads, to capture emails.

It's the typical one: subscribe to my newsletter and I'll give you an ebook to learn X.

Lead magnets work really well, because people like gifts.

If you don't give anything away you're sure to get subscribers, but if you give something useful and that adds value to your audience, you'll get more.

What should a good lead magnet look like?

👉 Quickly consumable

👉 Focus on solving a specific problem

👉 Free

👉 That leaves you wanting more

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5 Types of Lead Magnet that Work

I'm going to give you examples of different lead magnets.

There are a lot of options, but I'll tell you the 5 that I like the most.

In the end, the ideal is to go for something that has the following:

  • It fits well with your theme
  • It doesn't cost you much to do
  • That relates to paid products that you are going to offer later

Don't get complicated, you don't have to spend weeks designing your lead magnet. Do something quick and simple.

Let's go with the types:

  • Masterclass

An example of a lead magnet that works very well is a masterclass, something that lasts 30-60 minutes.

You focus on solving a specific problem, and in a short time you help them.

For example, an example of Masterclass for a blog such as Generator Landing could be: How to make a sales page in 45 minutes.

Do a practical class that shows that it's not difficult to make a page with Generator Landing.

This way, we get leads, and at the same time we show our audience that making a page with us is very easy.

  • Mini Course

Another option, more elaborate, but equally interesting, is to opt for a short course.

For example, a 3-day mini course, with 1 lesson a day, to learn how to make a sales page.

This way, people get to know you for several days, and you generate more authority.

  • Reto

Similar to the mini course, but looking for interaction from people.

Challenges work especially well, although they are not as easy to design and manage as the previous options.

If you want to work hard and put in hours, a challenge may be ideal.

  • Ebook

Don't you like videos?

It's okay, it's not mandatory.

You can choose to do the same as before, but in ebook format.

  • Discount

Imagine that you can't think of what to give, or what to teach something about.

It's okay, you have more options.

A popular one, for example, by online stores, is to offer you a discount on your first purchase in exchange for subscribing to their newsletter.

That's also a lead magnet, and it works great.

You don't have to spend time creating it, and at the same time you generate sales that you might not.

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